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Emacs Reference Card v25


"Handy" is the word for this 8.5" x 3.67" reference guide to the most-used Emacs commands, modeled here by FSF Senior System Administrator Ian. Keep within arm's reach keyboard commands from the useful "Exchange point and mark" (C-x C-x) to the enigmatic "Yank rectangle" (C-x r y). Commands are printed on both sides, so buy two if you intend to tack them to the wall at your workstation.

Download an electronic copy of this reference card.

Love Emacs? Why not check out our GNU Emacs Manual, GNU Emacs Reference Mugs, GNU Emacs Logo Sticker, GNU Emacs Sink Sticker, or new GNU Emacs Logo T-shirt! This reference card is also available as part of the All Things Emacs bundle.